6x2 Antenna switch IP control

This unit reads BCD band data from two transceivers and automaticaly switches antennas with colision protection and blocking power amplifier during PTT active - hot switch protection. Could be controlled also from simple web interface or manualy from front panel knob

Main functions:

Schematics rev 0.3

Compare output chip

Simple web interface

BCD connector

ANT connector

How does it work:


rev 0.3 pcb sch.PDF670 kicad501
pcb 3D
3D print component
LCD mount l.stl879 r.stl825 .scad872
3D preview
Encoder mount .stl735 .scad801
3D preview
Alluminium case pdf387 dxf604 panel
Arduino Firmware
by OK1HRA rev 0.3493 last on GitHub.com
We believe open source is a better way of doing things.
View and download the Shield Schematic and PCB Kicad/Eagle CAD files,
LibreCAD .DXF, or Inkscape .SVG files.
The hardware designs are released under the
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Third party software

For controlled by logging programs as N1MM+ or Wintest, Markus DK5AX wrote a amll programm that translates between the „Open Two Radio Switching Protocol (OTRSP)“ supported in the logging SW and the IP Antenna Switch Control. Operators interested in this functionality may contact Markus by email (dk5ax at darc.de).