{{https://remoteqth.com/img/slide-civ-stepper-01.png?600}} \\
Icom CI-V stepper allows tuning with stepper motor Nema 17 some devices dependancy to Icom frequency
====== Quick start guide ======
- **Connect hardware**
- Stepper
- Endstop switch
- 24V DC power Supply
- TX inhibit output
- CI-V
- **Configure over USB CLI**
====== Hardware ======
* [[https://remoteqth.com/hw/civ-stepper-02.pdf|Schematics rev0.2 .pdf]]
* [[https://remoteqth.com/hw/civ-stepper-02-ibom.html|Interactive BOM]]
=== Known issue ===
- Q1 - bad footprint pinout
====== Connect ======
===== Endstop =====
Switch for calibrate start point motor stepper (zero step, zero °). After start up stepper spins reverse ↺ and wait for endstop signal who stops him and resets counters. \\
===== Stepper =====
Connect two phase **NEMA 17** stepper motor. Another type not supported. One of the phases is known by the ohmmeter. Another phase is isolated.
* If stepper rotate reverse, you can change polarity one phase or activare reverse from CLI. \\
===== BCD input =====
Activate by grounded +5V pull-up. \\
===== CAT =====
Connected to Icom or MicroHam CI-V outputs. \\
===== TX Inhibit output =====
Open collector without pull-up. \\
===== Power supply =====
24V with 1A power rating. Lowest voltage accepted, but stepper lower torque. \\
===== USB Command Line Interface (CLI) =====
==== How to connect ====
* Connect USB micro cable between CLI stepper and your PC
* install [[https://www.putty.org/|PuTTY terminal]]
* after run it set
* **com port** dependency to your system
* baudrate to **115200**
* Connection type to **Serial**
* In Terminal category turn off options **Implicit CR** and **Implicit LF** by picture {{https://remoteqth.com/img/wiki-civ-stepper-02.png}}
* press **Open**
==== CLI commands ====
After open PuTTY press character [?] who show actual setting and available command \\
==== Secure remote manage ====
Configuration available via serial CLI (command line interface). This interface can be safely accessed to the Internet and encrypted connections to manage all features \\
{{https://remoteqth.com/img/wiki-civ-stepper-09.png}} \\
What you need
* any version Raspberry PI
* microSD card with [[https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspbian/|Raspbian Lite]]
* micro USB cable
* 5V power adapter with micro usb cable
* ethernet connection
* for first start HDMI monitor and USB keyboard
How to start
* after first boot login to serial console with default login **pi** and password **raspberry**
* run command and **enable [[https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/remote-access/ssh/|SSH]]** sudo raspi-config
* run command and write down the shown **IP address** ip a
* you can disconnect HDMI monitor and USB keyboard
* connect to Raspberry PI from any other PC
* [[https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/remote-access/ssh/windows.md|windows]]
* [[https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/remote-access/ssh/unix.md|Linux]]
* [[https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/remote-access/ssh/ios.md|iOS]]
* update system with run command sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
* install screen fith command sudo apt-get install screen
* run **screen** screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200
* now after pres **?** key show status information and you can **configure via CLI** \\{{https://remoteqth.com/img/wiki-civ-stepper-01b.png}}
* close screen with **CTRL+A K** and confirm **y**
* disconnect from Raspberry PI use command exit
==== Firmware ====
For upload firmware you have two possibilities \\
- Ordered List ItemDownload **source** from [[https://github.com/ok1hra/CI-V_stepper|Github]] and compile in [[https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software|IDE]]
- Install [[https://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/Libraries|EEPROM library]]
- Download **compiled binary** from [[https://github.com/ok1hra/CI-V_stepper/releases|release page]] and upload with some tool
- for example [[http://www.ladyada.net/learn/avr/avrdude.html|avrdude]] or [[http://xloader.russemotto.com/|Xloader]] for windows
==== Firmware source ====
contains some settings which does not available from CLI \\
* You can enter **frequency and uStep directly in to firmware** without CLI wizard. How to
* Disable preset coment line //#define RestoreMemoryFromEeprom
* Write frequency and uSteps i to arrayunsigned long StorageFreqToStep[112][2] = {
{7000000, 0},
{7010000, 500},
{7020000, 1000},
{7030000, 1500},
{7040000, 2000},
* Upload firmware
* Select BCD input to bank-0 (must be, because only bank-0 saved also frequency, higest bank saved uStep only)
* Save frequency/uStep table from RAM to EEPROM with command [s] in CLI
* Replay edit table, upload and save for any higher bank
* After fill EEPROM to your liking, enable command in source file #define RestoreMemoryFromEeprom
* After upload frequency/uStep table will be set by preset selected bank. For more info use command [l] or [e] in CLI.
* Time (second number in ms) after which reduce stepper current and save last position to eeprom, if disable endstop long CurrentRunTimeout[2] = {0,1000};
* Enable serial debug if uncoment this line #define SERIAL_debug
* CLI baudrate, default is 115200 const int BAUDRATE0 = 115200;
==== MQTT variant ====
* need install wiznet ethernet module
* use another firmware [GitHub|https://github.com/ok1hra/MQTT-stepper]
* for setup and control see source code header