2el End-Fire beverage antenna array

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The beverage is a long wire antenna installed very close to the ground. The antenna should be longer than 1 wavelength and installed at a height of less than 0,05 wavelength above ground. The beverage is usually terminated in a resistance at the end (opposite the feedpoint). Beverage antennas provide one of the least expensive and most reliable ways to improve DX capabilities on the low frequencies. If you are after improved directivity in the rear of the antenna (improving the DMF), you can put up two Beverages fed as an end-fire phased array. The Beverages you wish to phase together need to be identical (same height and length). In an end-fire Beverage array it is important that the two elements have a similar F/B, as you are going to subtract the signals from both elements. You only get zero if you subtract two identical numbers. It does not matter what the numbers are though. Two Beverages with a 10-dB F/B can produce 30 to 40-dB nulls in an array, just as much as a pair where the individual elements already show 25 dB F/B. (ON4UN)


Main functions:




Examples and comparations

Comparation of 180m long Single wire beverage and 2el End-Fire

Comparation of 180m long Single wire beverage and 2el End-Fire

Comparation of 180m long Single wire beverage and 2el End-Fire and Broadside array 2x2el

Comparation of 180m long Single wire beverage and 2el End-Fire on 80m band

Comparation of 160m long Single wire beverage and 2el End-Fire on 160m band

180m long Single wire vs. End-Fire

180m long Single wire vs. Broadside

180m long Broadside vs. End-Fire

180m long Broadside 40m spacing

180m long End-Fire array

4el End-Fire array in Broadside config

Video by VE6WZ

Option - Common-mode current choke to hamshack:

Link to CMCC


CMCC 1 to 3 port


2-way splitter
Schematic and board pic sch brd
Source files KiCAD268
beverage feeder sch brd
Beverage terminator sch brd
Source files eagle723
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DL8LAS Andree

DL8LAS Andree

DL8LAS Andree

DL8LAS Andree

DL8LAS Andree

DL8LAS Andree

DL8LAS Andree

DL8LAS Andree