Simple rotator interface V.
WEB rotator controller.
Revision 2024Easy controller 4-1
Easy controller SM 1-2
Easy controller 6-1
Easy controller SM 1-3
Manual IP switch MK2
For low latency manual switching up to 24 outputs over ethernet. 8 is controlled by buttons, other with rotary encoder.
6 to 2 Easy Controller
Band decoder
Automaticaly switch output relays, by frequency, or band data from your transceiver - for Arduino.
7ANT controller
7 RX antennas controller with BPF and preamp.
RX AUDITE - SDR RX or skimmer switch
RX splitter for 2nd RX - panadapter, skimmer, WEB SDR etc. INBAND ANT input. RF limiters and protections. Optional preamplifier.
WEB 63 relay switch for Arduino
Web based control up to 63 relays via ethernet.
Open Interface III
Interface between transceiver and computer with Arduino code, for running or hacking.
OLI IP 12 - K9AY++, 4-WAY BEV, 7ANT RC
BCD to 16 (Yaesu)
Decoder BCD to DEC with TTL input logic
Decoder BCD to DEC
4-way PTT splitter
6x2 Antenna IP control switch
For antenna switching.
Remote manual IP switch
Intuitive realtime control remote switching.
4-way PTT splitter in enclosure
6x2 Antenna IP control switch
For antenna switching.
4-WAY PTT sequencer
PTT sequencer with fixed delay 60 ms between outputs.
Remote multi rotator control
Hand control for rotators with remote web interface.
12x4 Antenna switch control
- Avoid collisions
- Block on PTT
- Manual or external control
RemoteQTH Server
Great Linux features for everyone.
Powered on RaspberryPI, web interface and much more.
Last build: August 07 2015.
M/M combine
OBSOLETE! SO2R/MO2R RF switching box.
Multi-beaming stack match controller.
K9AY/4-way CONTROLLER classic/remote
4 directions over one coax with pair of Bi-directional beverages
Multibeaming controller
OBSOLETE! Designed to controll the stack match as the multibeaming switch.