10 GHz LNB with PLL, TCXO and bias tee board

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Simply modification of the satellite Low Noise Block - LNB with PLL and 25 MHz X-tal. There is nice 10 GHz Receiver down converter for tropo and satellite with 1 ppm TCXO. You only need some receiver at IF frequency - SDR or classic. Very good frequency stability with built-in TCXO. You can choose between three different version with different IF output frequencies.

Main functions:

⚠ NOTE: TCXO has got 1 ppm temperature stability and 2 ppm production frequency tolerance. It means that all pieces have got some small frequency offset. Depends on the piece, it is 0 to about 20 kHz. This is not a problem for SDR RX where you can set it in the software. For LNB with 432 MHz IF you have to calculate with this offset from TX frequency and set it in TRX menu..

Technical parameters:

LNB local oscillator :                          9750 MHz 
LNB local oscillator - 10489-432 model:         10057 MHz 
LNB local oscillator - 10368-432 model:         9936 MHz 
Conversion gain of a LNB:			> 50 dB
LNB IF - SDR model:                             739 MHz for 10 489 MHz (QO-100), 618 MHz for 10 368 MHz (TROPO/EME)
LNB IF - 10489-432 model:                       432 MHz (10489 MHz RF IN)
LNB IF - 10368-432 model:                       432 MHz (10368 MHz RF IN)
Stability with TCXO (0,1 ppm):                  0,1 ppm (X 390)
Frequency error with TCXO:			0 to abt 30 kHz 
DC voltage:		       			+12 V for Vertical polarisation - NB and  +15 V for Horizontal - WB
DC current:		       			typ. 180 mA
Bias Tee IF loss:				typ. less than 2.5 dB (ATT set to 0)
Variable Attenuator on IF:			1 dB to NO signal

LNB models / variants:

  • Different 10 GHz and IF FQ
  • Tropo / EME / QO-100

Set Includes:

  • Ku band LNB with TCXO
  • Bias Tee PCB - assembled
  • Option: RTL-SDR + SMA cable
  • Option: 3D printed (PETG material) POTY antenna adapter (22mm)
  • POTY - ONLY ADAPTER, not 2.4 GHz antenna!

Bias tee block diagram


    This is the 10 GHz Low Noise Block (LNB) modified for external 25 MHz reference for internal PLL. This signal is feeded by the same one coaxial cable as IF down. Special small Bias Tee box with TCXO or 10 MHz reference signal works as DC injector and also 25 MHz Source for LNB. There is also variable attenuator for IF signal which allows you to change IF signal from 0 to maximum. You can still switch between V and H polarisation by supply voltage. Web page link



10 GHz LNB with TCXO and Bias Tee
rev 0.2 sch pcb Files352
rev 0.4 sch pcb Files352
POTY adapter STL file
rev 0.1 11-2019 picture Files797
We believe open source is a better way of doing things.
View and download the Shield Schematic and PCB Kicad/Eagle CAD files,
LibreCAD .DXF, or Inkscape .SVG files.
The hardware designs are released under the
Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic

RF adapters

3D printed enclosure for bias tee board by Bela HA4BM (TNX):

3D printed

Users photos





by Didier ON6YF

by Didier ON6YF

by Roy G4WTV