Common-mode current choke CMCC for coax and controller cable

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Common-mode choke coils work as a simple wire against differential mode current (signal), while they work as an inductor against common-mode current (noise). This box is designed as a common-mode filter for RF cable and also for analog AC/DC controller wires. One of this version is directly designed for K9AY++ antenna system, second one is Universal..

Main functions:




The measured values

Coax: CM current insulation - 1 to 50 MHz

Coax: CM current insulation - 0,1 to 2,5 MHz

CTRL cable: CM current insulation - 0,1 to 2,5 MHz

CTRL cable: CM current insulation - 0,5 to 50 MHz

Insert loss


Common-mode coax + control cable choke
Version for K9AY++ antenna system sch pcb KiCAD218
Universal version sch pcb KiCAD234
We believe open source is a better way of doing things.
View and download the Shield Schematic and PCB Kicad/Eagle CAD files,
LibreCAD .DXF, or Inkscape .SVG files.
The hardware designs are released under the
Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic

Pictures from the users:

Please visit web of Nils DK8OK

Thanks to Nils DK8OK: 30 MHz

Thanks to Nils DK8OK: 540 kHz

Thanks to Nils DK8OK: 1521 kHz

Thanks to Nils DK8OK: 4,92 MHz

Thanks to Nils DK8OK: 999 kHz

Related products:

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