Classic single wire beverage antenna by OK2ZAW

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The beverage is a long wire antenna installed very close to the ground. The antenna should be longer than 1 wavelength and installed at a height of less than 0,05 wavelength above ground. The beverage is usually terminated in a resistance at the end (opposite the feedpoint).
Beverage antennas provide one of the least expensive and most reliable ways to improve DX capabilities on the low frequencies.

More nice informations at web by Bruce "Swede" K1FZ

Main functions:

Option - Common-mode current choke to hams hack:

Link to CMCC


CMCC 1 to 3 port

Schematic and measurement:

Feeder schematic

Terminator schematic

Terminator BOG



beverage feeder sch brd
Beverage terminator sch brd
Source files eagle723
We believe open source is a better way of doing things.
View and download the Shield Schematic and PCB Eagle CAD files.
The hardware designs are released under the
Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic

User review

  • Thanks for email from Charlie HA4XH: It is with great pleasure that I share with you our very positive experience thanks to our new 300m beverage antenna. The antenna was mounted at a height of 3m in a direction of 325 degrees in a small acacia forest. It is powered by a 75 ohm RG59 coaxial cable. At this height, the wire is not an obstacle on the crossing footpath either. Complemented by a K9AY preamplifier, the antenna performed super well in the 160-80-40 mts bands in the ARRL CW contest. I'm sure we've had at least three times as many W / VE QSO's as a result. I can t even imagine how many nice QSO's we missed without this antenna. Thanks for your great products, we are very pleased with it, as evidenced by the pictures taken by our two cheerful operators during the contest. It was a little difficult to install the antenna in the woods, but it was worth the effort.

  • At HA3DX

    At HA3DX: HA4FB Gyuri

    At HA3DX: HA4FF Zoli

    At HA3DX

  • Ben Korbeeck, Dalfsen, NL: Hello Jan, Just to let you know the parcel with BOG-kit arrived OK yesterday. It took me 2 hours to build the boxes drilling etc. No problems encountered hi! Today I went into the woods to connect it to my 300 meter BOG - formely connected to an UnUn transformer 450 Ohm and common earth - no choke and end resistor of 560 Ohm. The difference was about 5 db better noisefloor (same signal strength) on the high end of the mediumwave, 12 db on the low part. Amazing difference on long wave though: noisefloor now -133 dBm, which means I can receive Romania on 153 kHz in daytime. When a question: how low (in kHz) does the transformer goes? Should it be possible to receive Alexanderson on 14.7 kHz? In wintertime I use real beverages, so I come back to you shortly! Very satisfied with your kit and compliments - good quality all over. Regards, Ben Korbeeck, Dalfsen, NL.

  • Ben SWL: Hello Jan, The parcel finally arrived today! It took ONE month to arrive......but now I can connect my 365 metres beverage to your matching transformer. The othe one (in fact mentioned for a BOG) is connected to my South America beverage since 1 November. Very good results with that one: I sent you in a seperate email a clip with reception of Radio Buenos Aires (5 kW) on 1350 kHz. The winterantennes brought me 3 -Firsts- from the America s already: makes a total of 402 stations (only Trans Atlantic counting). Just to let you know. Question: do you know what type of material the Common Mode Choke of you is made of? Happy in the end, Regards, Ben.

  • Gerald, DL1RG: Ahoj Jan, I received the parcel with the kit last Saturday. Thank you very much, good job! The kit is excellent and I will order a 2nd kit for a 2nd beverage. I am also interested in your K9AY-kit. Please give me an info, if the kit is again availible. Thanks in advance. One question: I will realise the 75Ohm-version. Is it better to use RG-179 for the choke replacing the RG-316 coax of the kit? Thanks again Jan for the nice kit and for your help in advance. vy 73 es ahoj Gerald, DL1RG

  • Andreas, DK4WA @ DP9A: Your products are excellent! I can also recommend your Single wire beverage/BOG antenna box. Very well manufactured and with very good options regarding the termination resistance and feedline impedance (50/75 Ohm). Also we (DP9A) successful use your Antenna one to two STACK MATCH. Your Modular 7 ANT RX switch system is working great @DP9A!