Active 2-way RX splitter board

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The splitter is a very useful device. It can provide equal voltages, equal current, or equal power to matched or unmatched loads. This is active splitter version where you can switch ON high IP, low noise preamplifier and eliminate insertion loss of the splitter. Gain can be set as you need by the Variable ATT at PCB. This HW is designed only for RX line. There are some more high current and voltage protections on all ports. Both impedances 50 or 75 Ohm can be selected by the jumper.

Main functions:




The measured values

Isolation and SWR at OUT

In to Out, Preamp OFF

In to Out, Preamp ~10 dB

In to Out, Preamp max Gain


2-way splitter
Schematic and board pic sch brd
3D board brd
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RF adapters

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