Easy Controller for Stack Match 1-2

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This is universal manual and remote (web, IP, cluster) controller for 1 to 2 antennas stack match with Both In / Both Out PHASE. You can use any RF SM (our or your own) and configure jumpers on front panel for all combinations as you need. There is universal output driver - you can use +12 V OUT or switching to the Ground. IP remote module (IMPERO32) is optional. It offers you another 8 external outputs for another relays - you can switch ON PA, light, TRX etc. Output is again universal (+12V or GND). Controller has also PTT hot switch protection.

Main functions:


Default output setting is with TBD driver. Output control is +12V. If you need to control external devices by switching to ground, you must replace the driver with ULN and change the Jumper settings. ULN is not included. Can be ordered here.

Both-In-Phase vs Both-Out-of-Phase:

stack match example

Version with REMOTE control:

Remote module:

Parameters for Remote Module / Daughter board OLI IP:

easy controller remote control

Example for remote control User Interface (UI), there for Stack Match 1-3 controller

easy controller remote control
easy controller remote control status

Example for External Relays:

  • You can use another 8 external relays. You can control another 8 things you like. It is simply 8 x ON/OFF
  • Outputs can be configured as: switching to ground or + voltage.
  • Output voltage could be the same as controller supply voltage or different - connected to Vext pin at connector.

  • Optional 8 Relay DIN module:

  • External 8 relay module which could switch external devices. More here:

  • Block diagram for LAN core
  • impero32 block diagram

    Connectors describtion:

  • There are pictures with connectors descriptions
  • You can find more information in Manual

  • Controller to RF switch:

    antenna controller stack match 1-2

    DB15 at controller (only first 4 outputs are used):

    antenna controller stack match 1-2

    RJ45 (TO RF SWITCH) at controller (only first 4 outputs are used):

    antenna controller stack match 1-2

    Remote version DB9 (EXTERNAL REMOTE RELAYS) - external 8 outputs:

    antenna controller stack match 1-2


    Easy Controller SM 1-3
    Front panel 0.4 sch pcb front pcb rear
    Universal 8 OUT board sch pcb 400
    We believe open source is a better way of doing things.
    View and download the Shield Schematic and PCB Kicad/Eagle CAD files,
    LibreCAD .DXF, or Inkscape .SVG files.
    Please, do not steal our designs for your commercial use!
    The hardware designs are released under the
    Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic

    Related products:

    Easy Controller for 1-3 stack match

    Easy Controller for 4 antennas

    Easy Controller for 6 antennas

    Stack Match 1-2

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